Go straight to the special scene of Dental South China 2020

Opening ceremony

The 25th DSC(short for Dental South China) has been postponed due to the affection of COVID -19.But finally it is grandly opening today(Sep 16-19th, 2020.

At this very special exhibition, almost all foreign distributors cannot come to China to participate in the exhibition. As well, some parts of old exhibitors even cancelled to participate this year show as considering the COVID-19 unsure affection. So now we would like to introduce about the dental show highlight part for those are looking forward to exploring on this show.

How to enter the venue?

How to enter the venue?

there 4 steps help you easily for entrance.The organizer has arranged everything in advance to make sure it runs in right way.

fill in the epidemic prevention safety form
1.Before entering the venue, every audience must fill in the epidemic prevention safety form with detailed contacts, address, and some necessary information
Measuring body temperature
2.Measuring body temperature
3.pass the security check
4.swipe their ID card to pass the entrance gate.

Exhibition scene


Live streaming

All the above rigorous measurements are make sure to ensure the safety of the venue people and eliminate the possibility of a COVID-19 outbreak.

Forced by the situation, exhibitors are thinking about the novels to grab more audiences and increase their traffic and make reach to the deals. For example, the Organizer, the Foshan Nanhai Dental Exhibition Group, and some exhibitors organized and arranged live broadcasts of the exhibition site and recorded and released it on WeChat and other major online platforms, which have achieved the purpose of promoting new products.

the Group live broadcast in DENTAL SOUTH CHINA 2020
Exhibitor Live streaming

International Pavilion

The International exhibitor groups, as like the Korean team, arranged branches in China to participate.  But in the Taiwan exhibitor group, we can see that only show the Promotional paintings there without any exhibitor.

Besides,  adding the Distributors & Manufacturer Corner, and Sensory control publicity area.

Korea Pavilion
Taiwan Pavilion

New Products

New Product
New Product
New Product

However, the New Product Promotion Meeting always be in the forefront of dental industry that each exhibitor are looking forward to …

As usual, this year exhibitors have come up with variety of new products ,new technology. If you are interested in the latest information about it, please read What The Latest Products Showed in Dental South China 2020?